What Makes MojaKid Eco Friendly?
MojaKid is an ethical, sustainable, and eco friendly clothing brand for kids and adults. But we don’t just want you to take our word for it. We’re really proud to be a brand that’s firmly rooted in strong ethics and communication (after all, we have created a clothing line that literally spreads messages of positivity and inclusivity!).
And so we want to take a moment to not just tell you but also show you how we’re actively doing our part to determine change and do our part to protect the environment…
… and how you can help by becoming part of the MojaKid Movement.
Our Certifications
Across our website, you’ll see we talk a lot about our GOTS-certified materials, and our FWF-certified partners. But what does all that really mean? Here’s a simple guide:
- Fairwear Foundation (FWF) – FWF considers a brand’s impact on labour conditions. FWF certification shows that manufacturers have successfully passed performance checks and factory audits, and that their employees are heard and fairly treated.
- Global Organic Textiles Standard (GOTS) – GOTS is an organic certification which shows that products have met the textile processing standard for organic fibres. It gives buyers peace of mind that organic products are sourced responsibly.
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) – Our garments are 100% vegan-friendly. The PETA certification confirms that we don’t use processes that harm animals, and we’ve committed to an animal-testing free future.
- Global Recycled Standard (GRS) – A GRS certification confirms that recycled materials used in production are ethically and sustainably sourced. It shows that brands have considered social, environmental, and chemical responsibility.
- Organic Content Standard (OCS) – The OCS certification from The Soil Association shows that finished products have met organic standards across all stages of the manufacturing process. It helps buyers to verify claims of organic content use.
Our Materials
All MojaKid garments are made from organic cotton. Our research shows the production of conventional cotton uses 11,000 litres of water per kilogram, it takes 90% less to produce organic cotton. Add in the fact that organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful pesticides and insecticides (most of which end up in the atmosphere), and isn’t treated with any toxic chemicals during production, organic cotton was a natural choice for us. Some of our garments are made using climate neutral fabrics which are made using sustainable energy.
Our sweatshirts also feature a layer of recycled polyester. Our materials come from old PET bottles – like clear plastic water bottles – that aren’t biodegradable. This means that most of them end up in landfill, or in our oceans. Our aim is to rescue these bottles and turn them into something positive; turn them into cool, ethical clothing.

Driving a Circular Industry
At MojaKid, we believe that the lifecycle of clothing isn’t linear; there’s not a straight line from manufacture to wear to waste. We think that, when you choose the right materials, and use the right processes, clothing at the ‘end’ of its lifecycle can spark new beginnings. And that’s something we really do feel passionate about.
Quality is a vital consideration for us. Not just because it’s what our customers expect, but because it helps us to help others. High quality clothing can last a lifetime. So if your kids outgrow their MojaKid clothes – either physically or stylistically – we can use your donations to help clothe children in orphanages around the world who need support.
And so we like to think that it’s not just MojaKid itself that’s eco friendly; our environmentally conscious behaviours are a joint effort. Ourselves, our global partners, and our customers – you – are all coming together to be a part of this unified MojaKid Movement!
Thank you.